Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

To me health is your overall well-being. Not simply the food you eat or how much you exercise, but your mental, physical, and social health. More specifically relating to the five pillars of health: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and social. All of these must be in good balance in order to be "healthy". 

I believe I'm pretty healthy. Nutrition and exercise have never been a problem for me, but stress and sleep have. Same with the people at SHS. With all these APs classes and after school activities there is barely any time left to even get a solid 8 hours of sleep in. And less sleep means more stress, more stress less sleep. As to help with this problem, I'd suggest not overloading yourself with courses and not PROCRASTINATING. Sorry for the yelling, but I've found that the root of my stress and lack of sleep is my procrastination.

The essential themes and learning of this unit were the definition of health/aspects, how hormones affect health, how micro nutrients and nutrition play a role in health, how exercise enhances health, importance of sleep, affects of stress, and social connections with health. I learned all of these things, but specifically about the importance and effects of a these things at a more precise level. For example we learned that sleep is good for you, but also went in depth and looked at different stages of sleep  and hormones that make you go to sleep and wake you up.I didn't fully understand the social aspect of health, I thought it was kind of confusing and I wish we could of gone more in depth with the physiological workings of social interactions.

Next unit I will improve my study habits and make sure I'm study a week or so in advance.

A job that I can relate to this unit is a Nutritionist. According to wikipedia nutritionist is a person who advises on matters of food and nutrition impacts on health. So this directly correlates with the nutrition pillar of health.

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