Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

This Unit was all about the Circulatory system and a little bit about the respiratory system. We learned about how the heart functions and the different valves, vessels, nodes, and chambers that make the heart work the way it does. The heart pumps blood through the body to transport glucose and oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide and urea. The heart is the center of the circulatory system, but it goes to other organs that also take part in this system: lungs, kidneys, small intestine, and large intestine. 

Cardiovascular health is making sure the heart is pumping enough blood, in a timely manner, to the correct regions. Heart attack and stroke are caused by atherosclerosis, which is a break in the wall of a vessel, which builds up with plaque and causes a blood clot. This blood clot can cause reduced or halted blood flow to heart which can cause heart attack or cardiac arrest. Or the blood flow to brain could be reduced or halted brain which causes a stroke. Often an artery in the brain can burst (also causing a stroke). 

To prevent heart attack or strokes and help your overall cardiovascular health it is important to control blood pressure, cholesterol intake, diet, alcohol consumption, stress, and weight. Eating healthy, not smoking, and exercising all promote cardiovascular health

I want to learn more about the signs of heart disease. How early do these signs come on? What should someone do if they show signs that they risk cardiovascular disease?  Stuff like that.

I really enjoyed this unit so it made it a lot more fun to learn about. I thought I understood everything pretty well. I definitely understood the basics of the anatomy and physiology of the heart, cause and affects of diseases, and prevention of dysfunction. Last unit I said "Next unit I will improve my study habits and make sure I study a week or so in advance." That didn't really happen and it shows. It sucks because I understand the material, but I don't give myself enough time to study and show I know the information.

I've felt less tired recently because I've been sleeping more, but I still need work on my procrastination like I said in the last unit. For the rest of the semester my goals are to not procrastinate and get ahead on homework and studies.

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