First off, I'd like to say that is one of my favorite units. Now that that is out of the way let's get back to reflecting. Unit 6 was the bones unit. We started off simple, learning about the basics of bones. The anatomy of the human skeleton (not all of it because we don't have time to memorize 206 different bones), the functions of bones, types of bone cells, types of bones, etc. Then we dove a little deeper, into something a little more applicable, disorders. Things like arthritis, scoliosis, and kyphosis which are painful deformities caused by things like genetics, age, or even poor posture. The process of bone remodeling came into play, because when a bone breaks a hematoma forms, then fibrocartilage and spongy bone form around and in the area, then a bone callus replaces fibrocartilage, and lastly osteoclasts remove excess bony tissue restoring the new structure. And thats only touching on the basics of bone remodeling. The last thing we learned about was joints, they are classified by 2 categories, which are then broken down into 3 types per category. First is structural the types are: fibrous, cartilagenous, and synovial. Second is functional: Synathroses (immovable), Ampiathroses (some movement), and Diathroses (freely moveable). This is the general classification of joints. We also did a owl pellet lab, which really helped me understand the human skeleton.(link below) Well that just about covers everything we went over in this unit.
As for personal experiences, I'm doing much better with my goals. I've been sleeping better, instead of staying up late, I've been going to bed earlier and doing my hw in the morning. Seems to be efficient,and I'm more awake at school since my brain has already been functioning fully a couple hours prior. I need to time manage better, and even when I have 10 or 15 minutes of time before dance or some other activity, I should be doing hw instead of being on my phone.Because every minute counts.
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